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AngularJS Filter Filter


Zeigen Sie die Elemente, die den Buchstaben "A" enthält:

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="arrCtrl">

<li ng-repeat="x in cars | filter : 'A'">{{x}}</li>


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('arrCtrl', function($scope) {
    $ = ["Aston Martin", "Audi", "Bentley", "BMW", "Bugatti"];
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Definition und Verwendung

Der filter Filter ermöglicht es uns , ein Array zu filtern, und ein Array zurück nur die passenden Teile enthält.

Dieser Filter kann nur für Arrays verwendet werden.


{{ arrayexpression | filter : expression : comparator }}


Value Description
expression The expression used when selecting items from the array. The expression can be of type:

String: The array items that match the string will be returned.

Object: The object is a pattern to search for in the array. Example: {"name" : "H", "city": "London"} will return the array items with a name containing the letter "A", where the city contains the word "London". See example below.

Function: A function which will be called for each array item, and items where the function returns true will be in the result array.
comparator Optional. Defines how strict the comparison should be. The value can be:

true : Returns a match only if the value of the array item is exactly what we compare it with.

false : Returns a match if the value of the array item contains what we compare it with. This comparison is not case sensitiv. This is the default value.

function : A function where we can define what will be considered a match or not.

Mehr Beispiele


Verwenden Sie ein Objekt als Filter:

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="arrCtrl">

<li ng-repeat="x in customers | filter : {'name' : 'O', 'city' : 'London'}">
    {{ + ", " +}}


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('arrCtrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.customers = [
        {"name" : "Alfreds Futterkiste", "city" : "Berlin"},
        {"name" : "Around the Horn", "city" : "London"},
        {"name" : "B's Beverages", "city" : "London"},
        {"name" : "Bolido Comidas preparadas", "city" : "Madrid"},
        {"name" : "Bon app", "city" : "Marseille"},
        {"name" : "Bottom-Dollar Marketse" ,"city" : "Tsawassen"},
        {"name" : "Cactus Comidas para llevar", "city" : "Buenos Aires"}
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Führen Sie eine "strenge" Vergleich, der keine Übereinstimmung zurück , wenn der Wert genau der gleiche wie der Ausdruck ist:

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="arrCtrl">

<li ng-repeat="x in customers | filter : 'London' : true">
    {{ + ", " +}}


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('arrCtrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.customers = [
        {"name" : "London Food", "city" : "London"},
        {"name" : "London Catering", "city" : "London City"},
        {"name" : "London Travel", "city" : "Heathrow, London"}
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Verwandte Seiten

AngularJS Tutorial: Angular Filter