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HTML DOM applets Collection

< Document Object


Find out how many <applet> elements there are in the document:

var x = document.applet.length;

The result of x could be:


Definition and Usage

The links collection returns a collection of all <applet> elements in the document.

Note: The <applet> element is not supported in HTML5.

Browser Support

applets Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes




Property Description
length Returns the number of <applet> elements in the collection.

Note: This property is read-only


Method Description
[index] Returns the <applet> element from the collection with the specified index (starts at 0).

Note: Returns null if the index number is out of range
item(index) Returns the <applet> element from the collection with the specified index (starts at 0).

Note: Returns null if the index number is out of range
namedItem(id) Returns the <applet> element from the collection with the specified id.

Note: Returns null if the id does not exist

Technical Details

DOM Version: Core Level 1 Document Object
Return Value: An HTMLCollection Object, representing all <applet> elements in the document. The elements in the collection are sorted as they appear in the source code

Related Pages

HTML reference: HTML <applet> tag

HTML reference: HTML <object> tag

JavaScript reference: HTML DOM Object Object

< Document Object