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HTML DOM documentElement Propery

< Document Object


Return the documentElement of the document, as a node name:

var x = document.documentElement.nodeName;

The result of x will be:

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Definition and Usage

The documentElement property returns the documentElement of the document, as an Element object.

For HTML documents the returned object is the <html> element.

Note: If the HTML element is missing, the return value is null.

Note: This property is read-only.

Tip: The difference between this property and the document.body property, is that the document.body element returns the <body> element, while the document.documentElement returns the <html> element.

Browser Support

documentElement Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes



Technical Details

Return Value: The document's documentElement, as an Element object
DOM Version Core Level 1 Document Object

Related Pages

HTML reference: HTML <html> tag

JavaScript reference: HTML DOM HTML Object

< Document Object