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Location port Property

< Location Object


Return the port number of the current URL:

var x = "Port: " + location.port;

The result of x will be (If the port number is 80, which is default, nothing will be returned):

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Definition and Usage

The port property sets or returns the port number the server uses for a URL.

Note: If the port number is not specified in the URL (or if it is the scheme's default port - like 80, or 443), some browsers will display 0 or nothing.

Browser Support

port Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Return the port property:


Set the port property:


Property Values

Value Type Description
port String Specifies the port number of the URL

Technical Details

Return Value: A String, representing the port number of a URL.

Note: If the port number is not specified or if it is the scheme's default port (like 80 or 443), an empty string is returned

< Location Object